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James Cook - Wikipedia Eerste reis Tweede reis Derde reis De schepen van Cooks tweede reis op Tahiti De dood van Cook Monument uit 1878 bij de plaats waar Captain Cook werd gedood Beluister James Cook - Wikipedia den frie encyklopdi James Cook (7 november 1728 14 februar 1779) var en engelsk opdagelsesrejsende fdt i Yorkshire James Cook var den frste europer p Hawaii James Cook - Wikipedia James Cook (Marton 27 ottobre 1728 Kealakekua Bay 14 febbraio 1779) stato un esploratore navigatore e cartografo britannico Cook fu il primo a cartografare James Cook Wikipedia James Cook bekam sein erstes kleines Kommando am 5 April 1756 und bestand 1757 die Prfung zum Master (eigenverantwortlichen Schiffsfhrer entsprach dem Steuermann) James Cook Wikipedia wolna encyklopedia Nastpnie Cook kontynuowa podr na zachd Obra za cel Ziemi Van Diemena (obecnie Tasmania) aby sprawdzi czy nie jest ona rzekomym poudniowym Actes de gnocide en Amrique Wikipdia Les actes de gnocide en Amrique galement appels exterminations et parfois simplement gnocides dans les travaux sur la colonisation europenne des Third voyage of James Cook - Wikipedia Ostensibly James Cook's third and final voyage was to return Omai a young man from Raiatea to his homeland but the Admiralty used this as a cover for their plan to James Cook - Wikipedia Early life and family James Cook was born on 7 November 1728 in the village of Marton in Yorkshire and baptised on 14 November (NS) in the parish church of St - - marefaorg () James Cook; James Cook portrait by Nathaniel Dance c 1775 National Maritime Museum ; : James Cook Wikipdia a enciclopdia livre Aughton Peter 2002 Endeavour: The Story of Captain Cook's First Great Epic Voyage Cassell & Co London Beaglehole John bigrafo de Cook e editor de seus jornais
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